There are times, out of hours when we are unable to answer your call. We do try to be able to answer enquiries where we can but if there is a real emergency, we advise that you to contact the agencies below. For water leaks, please locate the stop tap and turn the water off. Making sure you have filled cartons and containers if you need facilities for small children or babies. We will respond to any out of hours notification early on the next working day.
Major utility emergency contacts
Gas or carbon monoxide leak emergency call the National Gas Emergency Service 24 hours a day on 0800 111 999 (calls are recorded and may be monitored).
Power Cuts (electrical) and electrical emergencies
Call 105 and/or visit
Water and wastewater
United Utilities:0345 672 37 23
Issues with your individual house or apartment
In a genuine emergency, you can contact someone to gain assistance. Please note that if the call out is not a genuine emergency then the cost will be passed on to you and that by using this service you understand and agree to this.